On this page:
Instructions on how to Log in to the website.
Open the JW Event website address in your browser. Click on Log In in the top right corner of the page.

Sign in using your JWPUB account. Select Continue to Sign In. You will be redirected to a web page to enter your username and password. When your username is authenticated, you will be redirected to a private section of the JW Event website. If you do not have an account, you can sign in using another provider.
If you do not have a JWPUB account, sign in using your Security Provider such as Apple, Google, or Microsoft.
!!!!() {{n-icon-megaphone}} IMPORTANT
{{n-icon-right-arrow }}Before using Apple as security provider, please read the article Using Apple ID
Once a provider is selected, you will be redirected to a web page, requiring to login with provider credentials (For example: gmail.com email will be redirected to Gmail login page). When your username is authenticated, you will be redirected to a private section of the JW Event website.
In this way, no passwords or other secure information regarding the user will have to be stored on the website. A user can only be identified if he uses a known email address to log in.
Log in successful
After your login was successful, open the HELP section again to see the steps you must take in order to apply.